Monday, February 27, 2012

The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez

When Richard saw me reading this, the first words out of his mouth were, 'Another coffee book?' While less informative on the actual coffee process, a much more enjoyable read than the previous coffee book.

Author Deborah Rodriguez, spent five years teaching at the Kabul Beauty School, the first modern beauty and training salon in Afghanistan, so brings a wealth of local knowledge to her writing. The characters and descriptions of the lifestyle of Kabul in this book are so rich and full of colour and gives us an inside into the life of the women behind the modern burqa. And also the lives of foreign women in the country and the contrast of freedom that the different women feel.

It's a wonderful story that touches on the politics, but doesn't dwell on it, rather allows it to become the backdrop for the individual lives that meet in Sunny's coffee shop and how five very different personalities can form a strong and united bond.

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